Case studies

The descriptions of 21 interantional case studies...

  • ... explain the local context and factors
  • ... describe the applied methods
  • ... distill what made the methods effective

Many of the examples are not text-book methods but means of collaboration that have evolved during research practice.

Since there is no single blueprint or template for co-producing knowledge, each transdisciplinary team needs to work out its own approach according to the membership, objectives, topic, and desired outcomes.

See also the Lessons Learnt of how to make such methodologies replicable in other contexts.

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Case studies in this category involve the design or enabling of some type of physical or abstract space, creating favourable environments for interactions, learning, and knowledge integration.

Case studies in this category describe a family of tools or the design of a step-by-step
process that has enabled diverse participants to come together and broaden their perspectives, and co-produce knowledge around an urban challenge.

Case studies in this category set out various tools to consider when engaging different communities in transdisciplinary co-production. Several of them involve redefining which roles and tasks different stakeholders take on in the research process.

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